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2000 € for community-promoting projects in the district

Do you have ideas on how the coexistence of all people in the district can be even better promoted and creatively shaped?

Our district has been in existence for 30 years and for a long time people here have been committed to facilitating encounters and contacts between the residents - whether in assiciations, at municipal level or born of private initiative.

The WORT project invites people to develop and implement just such ideas. Workshops are held together with the goal to create new meeting formats (and to support already existing ones) that promote exchange and strengthen mutual understanding. In the past year, many practical ideas have already been implemented: For example, a jazz ensemble was founded in which students and citizens make music and perform together. The “Cinema to Go” showed family films with English subtitles in a lecture hall of the Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences. In the painting workshop „Malwerkstatt“, art enthusiasts were able to live out their creativity on a canvas and in “Kleine Patenschaften”, people came together to support each other and broaden their linguistic and cultural horizons. The aim is not to stop at these projects, but to implement more ideas in the district that will strengthen the local community and help newcomers to connect more easily. That's why we are once again issuing a call for proposals for community-promoting projects - and we need you!

If you have an innovative, creative or unusual idea of how local encounters can be created and strengthened, apply to WORT with your project. Several new projects can be supported and funded with up to €2000 each. More information and an application template can be found on our website.


Apply by October 13, 2024 with your micro-project!


Guidelines for the application 

The following questions will help guide you before you submit your creative project. Present your project on a maximum of 3 pages.

We look forward to receiving your submission at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..  


1) What is the idea for the project?

2) How does the idea pursue the goal of supporting the local community?

3) Who is the offer aimed at?

4) Who will benefit from it?

5) What is the the process from idea to implementation?

6) Who is in your team and supports the implementation?

7) What challenges do you face?

8) How should people be reached and inspired for the project?

9) For what are the funds specifically needed for?

10) Please present the planned expenditure in tabular form.


Until October 13, 2024

all Events

Until October 13, 2024

2000 € for community-promoting projects in the district

Do you have ideas on how the coexistence of all people in the district can be even better promoted and creatively shaped? Our district has been in existence for 30 years and for a long time people...