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Welcome to our resources page! Here you can easily explore our range of materials, including information folders, binders and postcards. Whether you're looking for materials to distribute, for information purposes or simply for inspiration, you'll find something to suit your needs.

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Florence Schmalz

Organisational communication
+49 3683 688 1850
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Participation - Holism / Networking - Intrinsic Dynamics

The WORT project aims to promote a diverse and open society by focusing on participation, networking and a holistic approach. These core values are closely linked and cannot function in isolation. This information folder provides detailed insights into what exactly these values mean and how they contribute to an inclusive and diverse society.

What exactly is culture?

The term "culture" can be interpreted in many ways: "Culture" can be seen and experienced, for example, in places such as theatres and museums, in the literary works of famous German poets such as Goethe and Schiller, and in traditions and cuisine. There are also corporate cultures, conversation cultures and food cultures, among others. In fact, the range of its meanings can be quite bewildering. This folder aims to shed light on the subject and provides a clear and accessible guide to understanding the concept of culture.

WORD folder: A holistic “YES” for southern Thuringia

This folder has been specially designed for companies to promote dialogue on important issues such as intercultural openness, cosmopolitanism and living and working in Thuringia. It contains a range of materials to stimulate conversations and provides information about the core values of the WORT project. Display this folder in your organisation to start meaningful conversations!

postcard: "Stay yes"

Schmalkalden is a place worth calling home, a sentiment well known to all its inhabitants. We want to reinforce this idea amongst ourselves and share these postcards with those who may need that last bit of encouragement to make Schmalkalden their new home.

(There are four designs available.)

postcard: "Forrest of my life"

postcard: "History, herstory, your story."

postcard: "Cultures? For sure!"

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