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    International Career Service

    We are committed to facilitating your career start in the region. Our International Career Service (ICS) acts as a central resource for international students, providing guidance on career planning and seamless integration into the German labour market.

    Our range of services is designed to meet your individual needs and includes in-depth advice, dynamic events and workshops, intercultural skills development and access to a comprehensive range of online resources. A key focus for us is to build strong links with relevant local businesses. To achieve this, we regularly coordinate company visits and other networking events that provide valuable opportunities for students to engage with the professional community.

    Here is an overview of the services we offer:

    • Advice and guidance: We offer ongoing support on your career path, providing tailored advice to help you make informed decisions.
    • Events: Our events and workshops are specifically designed to enhance professional development, provide insights into different industries and facilitate networking opportunities.
    • Networking: We proactively cultivate relationships with local businesses to help you make valuable connections and expand your professional network.
    • Online Resources: Access to a comprehensive range of online tools, databases and resources to support your career exploration and job search.
    • We also extend these services to our international alumni. If you need assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    We are committed to helping you achieve your career goals, both during your time in Schmalkalden and in your future endeavours.

    Christian Simoneit,

    International Career Service (ICS)
    +49 3683 688 1070
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