Understanding Thuringian elections - grasping the consequences
On 17 June 2024, the online event "Understanding the Thuringian Elections - Understanding the Consequences" took place, organised in cooperation between the WORT project and the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society (IDZ).
Speaker Cornelius Helmert (IDZ) provided a comprehensive analysis of the recent local and European elections. The detailed comparison between the election results of 2019 and 2024 was presented in a very convincing way, with a special focus on the results of the Alternative for Germany (AfD).
The aim was not only to present facts and figures, but also to engage in a substantive discussion about the party. In view of the upcoming state elections, the AfD's positions in the Bundestag and its European election manifesto were also examined and discussed. Another interesting topic was the so-called "AfD paradox", which refers to the discrepancy between public perception and the actual consequences of voting for the AfD.
An important part of the event was the opportunity for discussion. Participants shared their own experiences with politically dissonant opinions and addressed the feelings of helplessness that often accompany them in their everyday (working) lives.
We are delighted with the level of interest and thank everyone for sharing their personal perspectives. The event provided a valuable platform for participants to reflect on and discuss current political developments in Thuringia and their impact on democratic culture. We look forward to welcoming you again next time!
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